The Governing Council REV. PASTOR SHAN KIKON President, AHA. Pastor, Faith Harvest Church, Kohima. VISASIER KEVICHÜSA Member, AHA. Pastor, Kingdom Culture Church, Dimapur. IMLIWABANG LONGCHARI Member, AHA.Pastor, The Lighthouse Church, Dimapur. Other Members of the Council ALEMSUNEP JAMIR Pastor, World Impact Community Church, Diphupar.KENEI KISO Pastor, Life Square Church, Chumukedima.LIPOK PHOM Founder, Globe International. ASHOK TAMANGPastor, Revival Harvest Ministry, NepalRegional Overseer, Nepal Members from other regions INDIANAGALANDDELHIPUNJABSIKKIMASSAMWEST BENGALMEGHALAYAMIZORAMMANIPUR NEPALBHUTANMYANMARINDONESIA International Advisors BISHOP MOSES TAYJONATHAN SEETWATCHMAN NGIAM